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Safe and secure purchasing online

eOutlet.co.uk is committed to providing the safest and most secure purchasing experience available online.

We use industry leading secure server technology that implements Secure Socket Layering (SSL) to protect your details and assist your purchasing experience. SSL is the industry standard for encryption and enables millions of secure online transactions everyday. 

Purchases made through eOutlet.co.uk are processed using WorldPay which is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland or through PayPal or Google Checkout.

The WorldPay payment system uses a combination of both established and innovative techniques to ensure the security and integrity of all sensitive data. Furthermore, Worldpay's web servers are certified by Thawte, a public Certificate Authority, ensuring that both the shopper and retailer can have confidence that nobody can impersonate WorldPay to obtain confidential information.

PayPal allows any business or consumer with an email address to securely, conveniently and cost-effectively send and receive payments online. PayPal is one of the safest, faster, more secure way to pay online – your financial details are never shared. They remember everything for you, safeguarding your bank, credit or debit card details. Their service, lets users send payments for free, and can be used from PCs or web-enabled mobile phones. Because of the size of their network and widening acceptance of their product, this has helped them become one of the leading payment networks for online payments.

Google Checkout is another wide known leading online payment system. It provides a fast, safe and convinient way to shop online. You can buy from multiple soters across the web and track all your orders and shipping in one place. They have a fraud protection policy that covers you against any unauthoised purchases made through Google Chekout and they don't share any purchase history or full credit card number with sellers. Other than that you can turn on email adress confidentiality and turn off unwanted emails from stores where you use Google Checkout.

We've tried our best to give you, our client, a variety of options from which you can choose the one you have the most confidence in to pay for the products you want to buy from our online store.
